

  Hi everyone🤗 Do you want to know about our practice? Ok.Continue observing us😊  We started our practice on the 15th of September. It was a bit exciting for us to visit unfamiliar school in the city. Our teacher Khurshida Taxirovna introduced a school and we made acquaintance with the collegue of English teachers. There were only 6 and they are very experienced and skillful teachers.    We made a conversation with teachers and during a month we did our best in order to learn new methods and tactics of teaching.The leader of department Saidova Nigina Pulatovna taught us instructions.  Personally speaking,English lessons are the most interesting one at any school with different games and exercises.   We visited to the lessons of some teachers and observed them.We tried to posses new experiences and leart the environment of every class and their attitude towards this subject.   The lessons showed the skill and experience of teachers.Teachers organised lessons depending on the tasks of


  Hi,dears!!! Here I shall share my impressions about Bakhouddin Nakshbandi On the  4th of June we visited to one of the historical places in Bukhara which is called the pilgrimage of Bakhouddin Nakshbandi.  The Memorial Complex of Khoja Bakhouddin Nakshbandi is one of the most important Muslim shrines. Every self-respecting Muslim knows and reveres this name. The great theologian of the XIV century, founder of the Sufi Order "Nakshbandia" was buried 12 km from Bukhara in his native village of Kasri Orifon. Some time ago there was the pagan temple of the site of current tomb of Nakshbandi. In the early morning we travelled there. Nakshbandi was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur and made hajj to Mekka 32 times. He appealed people to be modest and rejected the luxury. His philosophy was based on the principle: "Dil ba joru, dast ba kor" ("The heart - with the God, hands at work"). The main building of the complex is the khanqah. Before the frontal of the m


 Today we visited to Kalyan Minaret which is located in the heart of Bukhara. It attracts everyone with its greatness.  Here I shall describe it with some photos and information. From the beginnings of Islam, there have been three types of mosques: Djuma mosques, which are intended for the large crowds that come to Friday services, Namazga country mosques (musalla idgoh), which are used by the male population of both the city and the surrounding countryside to celebrate the two Muslim holidays Qurban and Ramazan, and Quzar mosques, which are designed to be used as daily mosques in residential neighbourhoods. We know very little about the thirteenth century Djuma Mosque in Bukhara, for it has been rebuilt completely since the time of its original construction. In any case, it had a vast courtyard surrounded by galleries. However, the minaret which was built in 1127 A.D. and called the Kalyan (Great) Minaret, has survived. It still dominates the skyline of Bukhara, astonishing all who se


 GOOD DAY, DEARS!  Here I shall give information about the fortress of Ark.If you want to know,you may read this blog.With the help of this blog,you can be aware of the history,some monuments of it. The  Ark of Bukhara  is a massive fortress  located in the city of Bukhara , Uzbekistan , that was initially built and occupied around the 5th century AD. In addition to being a military structure, the Ark encompassed what was essentially a town that, during much of the fortress's history, was inhabited by the various royal courts that held sway over the region surrounding Bukhara. The Ark was used as a fortress until it fell to Russia in 1921 . Currently, the Ark is a tourist attraction and houses museums covering its history.  The museums and other restored areas include Archaeological museum, Throne room, Reception and Coronation court, local history museum and the Court mosque. Ark Fortress was covered with walls. The Ark is a large earthen fortification located in the northwestern


 Good day, friends.  Now I am going to speak about Sitorai Mokhi Khosa where is one of the greatest and the most attractive places in Bukhara. It may be interesting for you. If you want to know about it, let's follow me! 🤗 In the mid-XIX century Emir of Bukhara Nasrullah Khan decided to build a new country seat for himself. To choose the coolest place not to suffer from summer heat, the architects made recourse to an old method - dressed muttons were put on the potential sites of construction. The place, where the meat got spoiled last, was chosen for the construction of the suburban pearl of Bukhara. Unfortunately, this palace did not survive to the present day. Several decades later, another emir of Bukhara Mir Sayyd Muhammad Alim Khan initiated the construction of a new palace there. A legend has it that, Emir devoted the palace to his wife Sitora. The construction work which lasted several years resulted in the residence of unprecedented beauty. The Bukhara architects having t


  Hi everyone. Here I want to share my expressions about Lyabi-Khauz. It was really interesting to travel with friends arount sightseeings of Bukhara. 😍 Lyabi Khauz  which is translated as ‘at the pond’ is one of the central squares of Bukhara situated in the southeast part of the city. The architectural ensemble was created in the 16th-17th centuries. The square has the form of an irregular polygon with the Divan-Begi madrasah in the eastern part. In the western part, opposite the madrasah, is the Divan-Begi khanqah. The khanqah is a small cruciform building with a domed hall in the centre and two storeys of khujras around it. The main façade is flanked with low towers and decorated with mosaics and interwoven ornaments running at its sides. The lateral facades consist of arched entrances and systems of smaller arches. Opposite the pool we can see the monument of Nadir Divanbegi. On the right side of Lyabi Khauz Kukaldosh madrasah is situated.We learned small museum there.In this mus

Our next trip ⭐

 Hi, my dears! I am again with you. Today we shall speak about two famous museums in Bukhara which were named Blacksmith and Art museum. They were so attractive and great. We visited there on the 26th of May.  Let's travel around these places! It will be interesting for you,of course! It is the Blacksmith museum.It is very popular with different items made by professional masters. The Blacksmith History Forge Museum is a short walk north of the Toqi Telpak Furushon Bazaar on Khakikat Street. The museum is located in the Kulyuta karavansarai which was built in the 16th century. Admission is free, and it is a rare treat to see a working blacksmith. Photos/Videos can be taken and you can stroll through the workshop to view finished goods and the tools of the blacksmith. The most impressive area is the urn shaped hearth with white handles, which had a fire inside. Inside the museum we can see this kind of monuments. This is a statue of ordinary soldier made by popular blacksmith .   Th