Good day, friends. 

Now I am going to speak about Sitorai Mokhi Khosa where is one of the greatest and the most attractive places in Bukhara. It may be interesting for you. If you want to know about it, let's follow me! 🤗

In the mid-XIX century Emir of Bukhara Nasrullah Khan decided to build a new country seat for himself. To choose the coolest place not to suffer from summer heat, the architects made recourse to an old method - dressed muttons were put on the potential sites of construction. The place, where the meat got spoiled last, was chosen for the construction of the suburban pearl of Bukhara. Unfortunately, this palace did not survive to the present day.

Several decades later, another emir of Bukhara Mir Sayyd Muhammad Alim Khan initiated the construction of a new palace there. A legend has it that, Emir devoted the palace to his wife Sitora. The construction work which lasted several years resulted in the residence of unprecedented beauty. The Bukhara architects having trained in Russia managed to combine oriental and western styles in their creation. After a while the Emir’s wife died, and her name was given to the palace. It was named Sitorai Mokhi-Khosa, translated from Tajik as “Star, like the Moon”, and this name was preserved to this day. Unfortunately, the Sitorai Mokhi-Khosa also shared the fate of the first palace – it was destroyed.

The most interesting new palace, consisting of several remarkable structures, such as the triumphal arch of the entrance gate with mosaics; galleries with a straight line around the courtyard; a section of European architecture with a greenhouse in front of a large water basin (1917 – 1918) and the rooms of the Emir’s harem, located in the middle of the garden. The main part of the palace consists of several rooms and private flats of the Emir.

The most famous room in this area is the White Hall. The construction of the hall took 2 years (1912 – 1914). Under the Amir Alim-khan, the new palace complex Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa was built in Bukhara.

This is White Hall with different unique ornaments.

This is a special room for guests.There they waited for Emir.

This clock was brought from Belorus.

These kind of expensive items were presented to Emir by foreign ambassadors

In the palace we can see things like these.
They are so attractive,of course.

Our trip was very amazing.I loved this place very much.It was great travel for us.
